Cyclo Group partnered with OneSchool Global Australia in the recent ‘multistage’ primary school fitout and design, resulting in a space that has contributed and dramatically altered the whole approach to the learning experience.

The schools’ emphasis on a ‘self-directed’ learning model has been extended to the primary cohorts, and in place of traditional classrooms there are spaces defined by the activities the students are engaged with.

A self-directed approach to teaching & learning provides a foundation for lifelong learning and teaches students how to learn, rather than what to learn, solidly based on their Motto ‘Learning to Learn’.

This project was only possible through extensive and close liaison with teaching staff, and their ‘buy in’ to the concept. All reports following the completion of the Fitout have been positive; the students love it, having adapted quickly to the non-traditional environment, and a positive and innovative staff outlook has ensured that the new methods have been taken on with gusto.

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